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Something for the Weekend

The charming illustrated cover for John Waters’ new memoir Role-Models by Eric Hanson, who also happens to be the author of A Book of Ages. Art direction on Role-Models by Susan Mitchell at FSG I believe.

And while we’re on the subject of nice book covers…

Isaac Tobin, senior designer at University of Chicago Press, talks to FaceOut Books about his witty cover for Adrian John’s Piracy. You can read my interview with Isaac here.

On the Dohle — PW takes a (slightly fluffy) look at Marcus Dohle’s first two years at the helm of Random House.

Allen Lane to Amazon — A nice audio slide-show history of British publishing in the 20th century at The Guardian.

And speaking of Allen Lane…

Puffin by Design: 70 Years of Imagination (1940 – 2010) seen at The Penguin Blog.

And Simon Houpt on Penguin’s 75th anniversary and their iconic brand in today’s The Globe & Mail:

Until a couple of days ago, Keir Hardie had no idea how many Penguin books he owned. For years he’d been collecting them informally, picking up a few at a time at second-hand shops. “Like a lot of fans, I grew up in a house with Penguin Books on the shelves,” he wrote in an e-mail this week, from his home in Inverness, Scotland. It was the books’ iconic design, he explained, that first grabbed his eye. “There was never much of a pattern to anything else, but the uniformity of the Penguins made them stand out.”
