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Monday Miscellany, Oct 6, 2008

‘Celebrity’ authors, including A.M. Homes and Jonathan Lethem, create “Flash Fiction” stories inspired by images from Diesel’s fall ad campaign (pictured). (Thanks Siobhan!)

Live and Learn: Heather Reisman. The founder and CEO of the Indigo chain of bookshops in Canadian Business magazine:

“I do believe a new paradigm of values is emerging. It rejects sweatshops. It is about fair trade and building family-friendly and environmentally friendly organizations. I think caring capitalism and sustainability will prevail. I know I sound optimistic, but why not?”

Why Are Literary Readings So Excruciatingly Bad? Michael Carbert in Maisonneuve Magazine:

“The only way to experience the kind of readings many of us are eager to attend is for everyone to demand more of themselves.”

Publisher as Brand? Kate Eltham of Electric Alphabet discusses HarperStudio and wonders whether publishers should spend time  and resources on their own brand identities. (via Tools of Change for Publishing)

Tech Tips for the Basic Computer User from David Pogue at the New York Times. A useful list that also just happens to start with an anecdote about a Book Editor…


Using Video Games as Bait to Hook Readers: Part two of Motoko Rich’s series on ‘The Future of Reading’ in the New York Times (click here for part one – Literacy Debate: Online, R U Really Reading?)