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Midweek Miscellany

Nothing is Forgotten — A dark and beautiful wordless webcomic by Ryan Andrews (via Drawn).

And on the subject of comics, Kelly Thompson of the brilliantly named 1979 Semi-Finalist blog picks her top 20 favourite female comics creators of 2010, including Kate Beaton and Emily Carroll, for Comics Should Be Good: Part One and Part Two.

Most Anticipated… The Millions list of interesting new books coming out in 2011 (not that I’ve caught up with 2010 yet).

The Best Fonts of 2010 as chosen by FontShop.

Wordmark — A handy online tool that allows you to preview and compare all the fonts installed on your computer (via Fontblog).

And lastly…

Critical Life — Ramona Koval interviews Gabriel Josipovici, author of What Ever Happened to Modernism?, for The Book Show on ABC Radio National. From the transcript:

[F]or all my writing life I felt one shouldn’t comment critically about one’s contemporaries, because in a way that is self-defeating. What one should do is praise the works one likes and gradually people will see their value. I suppose I was being unduly idealistic and I felt that I was only talking to the converted, as it were, and I wanted just for once to actually make people sit up a little more and to let out in print what I have said and talked about with friends, this feeling that English culture had become this thing that was rather mean and dispiriting, aided and abetted not just by…it wasn’t just something in the writers but it was something in the whole culture…

(via ReadySteadyBlog)